SafeD Athens

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Ensuring a Safer Campus for All: Addressing Critical Gaps in UGA’s Safety Measures

The recent University of Georgia investment of $7.3 million towards safety enhancements on campus was highlighted in this recent GPB News article. As our SafeD Athens President Susan Monteverde mentions, UGA is making strides to enhance student safety and the investment aligns with several of our proposed initiatives which is commendable.

However, more could be done and questions still remain as to how comprehensive programming will be. “Layering” safety/security programs to mitigate risks is important. Without this comprehensive approach security gaps will exist. Security gaps become glaringly apparent with a tragic incident such as the brutal murder of Laken Riley this past February.

We continue to highlight one significant security gap - the lack of UGA camera integration into the Athens-Clarke County Police Department's Real Time Crime Center (RTCC). Establishing this collaboration will substantially enhance campus security by integrating real-time surveillance and response capabilities. By leveraging RTCC’s resources, UGA could benefit from improved monitoring, faster response times, and better coordination with local law enforcement. An active shooter alarm system is available through the Fusus platform, which controls camera surveillance, utilizing this camera integration.

Additionally, our request for a full Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) assessment across the entire campus, especially in remote areas, remains unmet. Implementing CPTED principles—such as ensuring clear sightlines, maintaining well-lit and visible spaces, and strategically placing emergency call stations—could significantly reduce opportunities for criminal activity. Enhanced lighting, increased surveillance, and well-placed emergency resources are crucial for deterring crime and ensuring the safety of all students.

We strongly believe an independent assessment for security gaps conducted by a well vetted and experienced outside team is invaluable. Even the most experienced internal public safety department cannot possibly be expected to pick up every gap.

This current investment also does not address the shortcomings of existing bus routes and the need for escorts to off-campus parking lots and nearby housing.

While Dan Silk, UGA’s Associate Vice President for Public Safety, has mentioned the availability of campus safety ambassadors for escorting students at night on campus, questions exist about program efficacy Dr. Silk encourages students to call the police department or approach a “campus safety ambassador” at night for an escort - What is the turn around time for an escort?

Our proposed Block by Block model which includes security ambassadors (escorts) also provides real time tracking and accountability for homeless individuals and includes separate contracts for both the UGA and Athens-Clarke County, GA Unified Government offering a more efficient, economical, and robust solution that seamlessly addresses UGA/ACCGov boundaries.

Notably, Laken Riley did call 911 for help and her murder suspect has been charged with impeding a 911 call. In meetings with ACCPD, we understand that when a 911 call is placed by someone on UGA property, it routes to ACCGov dispatch which then immediately alerts UGA Police given their jurisdiction. ACCPD also has the ability to respond if needed. Is this the best approach for emergencies on campus? Is this an unidentified gap in security? And, think about how RTCC integration would assist.

It is imperative to continue this dialogue, address the existing gaps, and consider innovative solutions that prioritize student safety. Our proposals offer a comprehensive approach that could significantly enhance the security of our campus community. With the influx of 6,000 new students starting classes this week, the time to act is now to prevent another tragedy and ensure a safer campus for all.

Sign our petition at and read about all our programs and ideas here.