Band members walking back along road after practice. Note the Call Box red light on opposite side of the road (1 of 4 in Intramural fields). These pictures were taken in August when it was still light at 8pm.
Traffic and parking congestion near band practice field and tennis courts in use.
Students have highlighted safety concerns at the Intramural fields. Lighting along the road is poor. Traffic and parking congestion near the practice field and tennis courts is high. These issues illuminate the need for a complete safetly/security assessment emphasizing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).
We have identified 4 new call boxes with cameras at the Intramural Fields. It is important for these cameras (and ALL UGA cameras) to be integrated into the Athens Clarke County Real Time Crime Center to deter crime (RTCC). There is one call box depicted in above photos along the road leading to the field; one at each back corner of the practice field; one at the entrance sign to Lake Herrick which is located at the paved trail entrance which extends behind the parking deck. The lighting behind the parking deck is extremely poor and students are observed to congregate there.
Public Safety should take these issues seriously - conduct an assessment emphasizing CPTED. In the short term, Public Safety should provide a continuous shuttle to the first tennis parking lot to/from the parking deck at night (8PM until practice is complete); consider extending the road around the practice field providing for a one way loop to make it easier for the shuttle and allowing for marked parking on one side of the road.